Tuesday, 15 May 2007


Corruption, now-a-days is at its highest peak spreading it’s tentacles in all the wings viz., Legislature, Executive, Judiciary and Press in India. Due to its unchecked raise the economy of the country and the middle and poor people are mostly affected.
If you go back to the good and olden days before Independence and a few years after Independence, History reveals that most of the people, prior to Independence irrespective of their religion, caste and creed willingly sacrificed their kith and kin and their inherited properties for the sake of our country and after attaining Independence also there used to be ethics and morals which have guided people to go in the right path.
But, unfortunately, money and power policies have raised their ugly heads which is the route cause in the deterioration of ethics, morals and values in the above said wings.
Lack of political will, personal compulsions, lack of speedy disposals and stringent actions on corrupted people are the bane of our Administrative system.

Let every Citizen try to minimize the corruption, if they can not totally eradicate it

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